Monday, February 4, 2013

Assesment II

( Conducted in Second Semester of the Eleventh Grade Students
at Junior High School  1 BUNTULIA )


            In process of teaching the important things that should we knows is how to asses student’s ability in the final process of teaching. To asses it usually some teacher use test. There are some kinds of  test that we can used in process of teaching and asses it. One method that we can called Multiple choice. It is one of the kinds of test that commonly used by teacher to asses their students ability.
             Multiple-choice items are best used for checking whether students have learned facts and routine procedures that have one, clearly correct answer. However, an item may have two reasonable answer options. Student can choose the answer that has think right. It depend yo to the students itself.
            In junior high school also used it. All of the teacher used multiple choice to know student's ability in learning. It is possible to get multiple-choice items correct without knowing much or doing any real thinking. Because the answers are in front of the student.
            Some people claim that multiple-choice tests can be useful for measuring whether students can analyze material. Based on the explanation above In this paper the writer want to know how develop students ability on reading by Multiple choice in second semester students ta junior high school
            The objective of this paper are :
1.     To knows the developing multiple choice test on reading skills.
Basic competence
Test Indicator
Number of Item
Test Form
Key Answer
1.1.Memahami makna dalam esai pendek sederhana berbentuk Recount, dan Narative untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.
Text berbentuk announcement, undangan dan pesan singkat.
Siswa dapat menjawab pertanyaaan secara tulisan tentang teks fungsional.
 1 – 40

A, b, c, d, e,

Read the text and answer questions 1 - 6
School  Announcement
Basket ball matches will begin on morning, February 10 Th 2011. the events will run from 09.00-12.00. for next four weeks.
The final tournament will be held on March 2011. for more information contact Johann (085340041049)
1.     Text above talk about ....
            a. School announcement                                b. Office announcement
            c. Bank announcement                                   d. Hospital announcement
2.     Basketball matches begin on ….o’clock
            a. 09.00                       b. 07.00                       c. 08.00                       d. 12.00
3.     In the announcement above the final tournament will be held on......
            a. on March                 b. on May                    c. on February             d. on August
4.     For getting more information we can contact to …..
            a.  Agus                       b. Johann                     c. Zihan                       d. Fatma
5.     The matches will be tournament in the announcement is......
            a. Soccer                     b. Badminton              c. Basket Ball             d. Boxing
6.     The tournament will be start on......
            a. February 10             b. February 11             c. February 12             d. February 13
Read the text and answer questions 7 to 12
Text Box: Dear Rully,
I would like to invite you to join in my party that will be held on :
Day	 : Sunday November 29 Th, 2011
Time	 : 04.00 pm
Place	 : Jl. Tekhnik No. 34 Marisa
Yours faithfully

7.     Text above about....
            a. Announcement                    b. Invitation                c. Recount                   d. Procedure
8.     In the invitation above the people that invite Rully is.....
            a. Vika                                     b. Ani                          c. Zihan                       d. Yayan
9.     The party will be held on.......o'clock
            a. 03.00 pm                             b. 02.00 pm                 c. 01.00 pm                 d. 04.00 pm
10.  The party will be held on.........
            a. Sunday November 29 Th, 2011
            b. Monday December 30 Th 2011
            c. Thursday November 29 Th 2011
            d. Friday November 29 Th 2011
11.  The party will be held at......
            a. Jl. Pangeran Hidayat No. 15 Marisa                      c. Jl.Panjaitan No.37 Telaga
            b. Jl. Hos Cokroaminoto No.29 Marisa                     d. Jl. Tekhnik No. 34  Marisa
12.  Rully is........
            a. Ani's Friend            b. Tiwi's Friend           c. Tati's Friend                        d. Tuti's Friend
Read the text and answer questions 13 to 15
Short Message
Text Box: To Mus
	Hi , Mus. I want to tell you something. I have an idea. What do you thing about taking a computer course this semester ? Would you like to ?I'll be very happy if we can take this course together.
	Please, let me know your answer, I'll look forward to it.

The replay :
Text Box: To Zihan,
	I have made up my mind. I agree to take a computer course with you this semester.
	Taking his course is really a good idea. So,let's talk about where we will take the course.

13.   The short message above is message between …...
            a. Rully & Ani                        b. Vika & Yayan         c. Mus & Zihan          d. Mimi & Sain
14.   In his message Zihan want to tell Mus about his idea. That idea is.......
            a. Taking a English course                 c. Taking a math course
            b. Taking a computer course              d. Taking a  physics course
15.  Mus respond in the message is ….
            a. Agree                       b. Disagree                  c. No comment                       d. Satisfied
Read the text and answer questions 15 to 20
Text Box: Subject : Invitation 
date	 : Sun, February 18, 2011 08.00
from	 : 
to	 : 
Hi Mhoza ,
I was asked by Mr. Miller, the leader of our tennis club. To lets you know that we have made a plan for a tennis camp. Which is to be held in November 22-23, 2011 at the usual campsite. We hope you will join the camp. If it's impossible, How about coming on either of the two days ? 
I guess we can enjoy seeing autumn leaves as well as playing tennis.
All the best

16.   what is the e-mail about ?
            a. A tennis camp                     c. A tennis competition
            b. Autumn leaves                    d. The leader of a tennis club
17.   The camp will be held on......
            a. November 22-23, 2011                   b. August 23-24, 2011
            c. February 22-25, 2011                     d. March 22-23, 2011
18.   The email send by Una at ..... o'clock
            a. 08.00 o'clock           b. 10.00 o'clock          c. 11.00 o'clock           d. 09.00 o'clock
19.  The email of writer above is.......
            a. Una                          b. Uni                          c. Uno                         d. Mhoza
20.   What is mhoza email?
            a. unathe9re3n                                      c.
            b.                               d.
21.  “I was asked by Mr. Miller, the leader of our tennis club.”
            the synonym of the underline word  is........
            a. Headman                 b. Teacher                   c. Students                  d. People
read the following text to answer question 21-23
Text Box: Announcement
to : all student of junior high school 1 Gorontalo
To celebrate the national Education day, the students board organization will hold some interesting programs. There are English speech contest, English story telling contest, and wall magazine competition. The program will be held on January, 4th , 2011 , 8 am – 10.00 pm 
All class must take part in the program and should report their participation to their own teacher.

22.  The text above is about …....
            a. Explanation special program in January    c. Program to celebrate the National Education Day
            b. Invitation students comes to school           d. Invite teacher comes to school
23.   The program will be held on......
            a. January 4th , 2011 , 8 am – 10.00 pm        c. January 4th , 2011 , 7 am – 10.00 pm
            b. January 4th , 2011 , 9 am – 10.00 pm        d. January 4th , 2011 , 11 am – 10.00 pm
24.  The students board organization will hold some interesting programs. Except....
            a.  English speech contest                              c. English story telling contest
            b. Wall magazine competition                       d. Read a poetry
25.  The synonym of student is.....
            a. People                     b. Pupil                       c. Teacher                   d. School
26.  The national education day celebrate every …...
            a. 20 may                    b. 21 may                    Text Box: Mom, I borrowed your clutch bag.The one with black suede color and two side pockets. I need it for Bima’s birthday party tonight.
Thank you so much!

c. 23 may                    d. 24 may
Read the text and answer questions 27 to 30

27.  Putri going is …..
            a. Borrow her father clothes                c. Borrow her sister bag
            b. Borrow her mother clutch bag         d. Borrow her brother bag
28.  The bag did Putri borrow from her mother is ….
            a.   Black suede color                         c. White suede color  
            b.  Red suede color                             d. Green suede color  
29.  The bag will Putri need for …..
            a. Bima’s farewell party                 c. Bima’s wedding party
            b. Bima’s birthday party                 d. Bima’s dance party
30.   Bima’s birthday party will be held on....
            a. Tomorrow               b. Tonight.                  c. Yesterday                d. The day after tomorrow
Read the text and answer questions 30 to 34
Text Box: To Andi
Come and join to meeting on the preparation for the study tour to Hongkong
Day	 : 9 juni 2011
Time	 : 3 pm
Place	 : school library
We do appreciate your participation. Thank You
the committee

31.  The committee want to invite is ….
            a. Ana                          b. Andi                        c. Angnes                    d. Arif
32.  Come and join to meeting on the preparation for the study tour to ….
            a. Hongkong                b. Italy             c. America                   d. Indonesia
33.  The  meeting will be held on ….
            a. 6 juni 2011               b. 9 juni 2011               c. 7 juni 2011               d. 8 juni 2011
34.  The antonym of meeting is …..
      a. Farewell                  b. Gathering                c. Student                    e. Teacher
      Read the text and answer questions 35 to 40


Text Box: Dear Linda,
I’m having a birthday party at Rose’s Cafe
On Saturday, Sept 6
At 7 pm

You are cordially invited.
Text Box: Dear Indra,
Thank you very much for your invitation to your birthday
party at Rose’s Cafe.
I would love to come, but I regret to let you know I have to
take my little brother to the dentist’s.

35.  The people who invited Linda is …...
            a. Indra                        b. Andy                       c. Arafat                                  d. Aswan
36. The invitation occasion for …..
          a. Wedding             b. Farewell              c. Dance                           d. Birthday
37.  The birthday party will be held at …...
            a. Rose's Cafe             b. Jasmine’s Cafe       c. Flowers Cafe                       d. Orchid's Cafe
38.  The birthday party will be held on …..
            a. Saturday, Sept 6 At 7 pm                                   c. Saturday, Sept 9 At 7 pm
          b. Saturday, Sept  8 At 7 pm                            d. Saturday, Sept 5 At 7 pm
39.  The Linda's respond toward invitation is ….......
            a. She will come                     c. She want to come
            b. She regret                           d. She can not come
40.  The Linda's reason to can not come to the party is …..
            a. Her little brother sick                     c.  Her little sister sick
            b. Her mother sick                              d.  Her cousin sick

                        This Multiple Choice Items are conducted for student in Second Semester of the Eleventh Grade Students at Junior High School  1 BUNTULIA. The writer takes tenth (10) sample of this subject of eleventh grade. Every student should answer in the paper of the question itself.
            In scoring this multiple choice, the writer is only focus to the correct answer. Every number of the question has one point. It means that if the students answer correctly, she/he has one score and vise verse.



In this analysis writer were getting test form are multiple choice. In the first step in the writer  asking the student to make the sentence complete by choice the right answer in phrase form. They will choose A, B, C, or D in this section and than the second section in these types of question is underline the word or phrase the right one. The question ask the student to see the four underlined part of sentence are mark A, B, C, or D and then the student will identify which one word must be change in order for the sentence to be correct. The test has 40 items in multiple choice forms. In this test writer find from 10 students in eleventh grade students, second semester, there are some students getting the medium score, the lower, and  the other getting the upper.
             Based on the analysis, writer can conclude that almost all students can answer the question correctly. They can interpret the question and take the instruction of those questions. One of the students can get the upper grade. It means that from the 40 number of questions she can answer 37 numbers correctly. Other students can get the grade from 71% until 88% correct answers. But in this case, there are two students who get lower grade. It is from 68% until 70%. It means that from 40 numbers of questions they only answer 25 or 26 number of questions correctly.


In this test writer find from 10 students in eleventh grade students, second semester, there are some students getting the medium score, the lower, and  the other getting the upper. 

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