Monday, February 4, 2013

Seminar Makalah


Conducted by


  1. Basic Consideration
Discuss about students motivation is not only talk about their learn motivation but also include the whole of the factors which influence that. Their motivation is dividing to good motivation and bad motivation. In classroom, absolutely concern to their attitude and their academic ability. Especially in our mini research will observe about students reason to be absent in certain class or subject. Next, the researchers are not only observing the student’s reason to be absent but also search the data about student’s perception to being absent and the benefit for them.
Based on the description above, the researchers are interested in conducting a research about students reason to be absent in certain class. So the researchers formulates the title of this research is “STUDY OF ENGLISH DEPARTMENT SIXTH SEMESTER STUDENT’S REASON TO BE ABSENT IN CERTAIN CLASS”.
  1. Problem statement of this research is:
  • What is the student’s reasons to be absent in certain class?
  1. Hypothesis
Based on the problem statement, the researchers think that student’s reason to be absent in certain class is sick.

  1. Objective of Research
The objective of this research is to know what is the student’s reason to be absent in certain class.
  1. Significant of Research
The data is collected by observe the sample of student’s reason to be absent in certain class. So, the significant of this research are as follows:
  1. To give information to the lecture about the student’s reason to be absent in certain class.
  2. To give contribution to the other researchers who will observe about student’s reason to be absent in certain class.


  1. Influence of Students Interest to Their Motivation in Class

Anne Anastasi and Susana Urbina stated that someone interest and attitude is can influence their academic achievement and work. That is can be the basic theory to observe students motivation in class. Surely there are strong relations between academic result and learning process; in this case their motivation. Direct or indirect it will very close with everything that will be the problems in learning process, include being absent itself.

Next, to know the real sixth semester students condition in classroom especially in being absent, the researchers ask some questions that related with the kinds of motivate. That was agree with the theory of motivate that argued by Agus Susanto.

  1. Learning Problems

Learning problems, specifically students learning difficultness are the main point that will be discuss in this research. Example, student’s basic reasons and teacher attitude. It will be very useful to observe teacher attitude too, because to observe learning process is not only talk about student’s problems but also teacher’s problem (Mulyono Abdurrahman: 2002).


The method used in this research is qualitative method. In this case, the researchers want to know english department sixth semester student’s reason to be absent in certain class.

The subject of this research is english department sixth semester student.

In collecting data, the researchers are using Cross-Sectional method.

In analyzing the data, the researcher use qualitative method. The steps in analyzing the data are following:
  1. Designing
Researchers are designing the quistioner.
  1. Collecting
Researchers collecting data based on the respondent answers.
  1. Analyzing
Researchers analyze the data and converse the data to percent form.


The researchers have been got the data by asked some questions in the format of questioner to the 32 sixth semester students of English department. We selected questioner method to collect the data because that is really appropriate with the short time research. This method of collecting data is called Cross-Sectional method (Bimo Walgito:2004:26).
The questioner is contains with 10 questions, which categorized to three short answer-questions and seven multiple choice-questions. This questioner is the mix-form of open questioner and closed questioner. Based on Nurkancana: 1993, there are kind of questioner based on the questions form. The questioner that provided the answer is called closed questioner and the questioner that allow the respondents to answer freely is called open questioner. Then, for our questioner we mix those kinds, to be mix form of open and closed questioner.
Here is the result of our study. We will explain from number one to ten.
  1. We asked about their frequency to be absent from the first year until now, and the result are:
  • 40,62 % are often to be absent
  • 37,5 % has been absent
  • 15,62 % are never absent
  • 6,25 % are very often to be absent
  1. We asked about what class/classes that they always absent to, and the result are:
  • Most respondent are absent in Reading III class
  • Secondly, some of them are absent in English Instructional Design class
  1. We asked why they be absent in that class, and we asked them to select the most five reasons, the result are:
  • 68, 75 % are sick
  • 65, 62 % are lazy
  • 56, 25 % are wake up late
  • 50 % has another important business outside classroom
  • 43, 75 % are boring
  1. We asked them about another reason that make they absent, and the result are:
  • Most of them answered that the lecture explanation are confusing
  • Some of them answered that rain is the another reason
  1. We asked them about the concrete impact for them to be absent, and the result are :
  • 93,76 % are lost the material in that meeting.
  • 3, 12 % are mad by the lecture.
  • 3,12 % has been decrease/error their mark.
  1. We asked them about their feeling when they present in the next meeting after they have been absent recently, and the result are:
  • 37, 5 % are worry.
  • 25 % are feel something lost.
  • 25 % are afraid the lecture will mad to them.
  • 18, 75 are feeling ok.
  1. We asked them about their other feeling when they present in the next meeting after they have been absent recently, and the result are:
  • Most of them answered feel sorry.
  1. We asked them about what the lecture do if they absent to their class, and the result are:
  • 59, 37 % answered that the lectures ask them about their reason to be absent.
  • 40, 62 % answered that the lecture do nothing.
  • 12, 5 % answered that the lectures decrease their score.
  1. We asked them about the benefit to be absent, and the result are:
  • 43, 75 % are feel relax.
  • 37, 5 % are can do another thing that you tend to more like.
  • 28, 12 % are feeling free at the time.
  1. We asked them about what they think about being absent in certain class, and the result are:
  • 46, 87 % answered that is totally not good.
  • 40, 62 % answered that is normally.
  • 12, 5 % answered that they do not have any idea about it.
Overall, based on our result of study, especially for the question that asked about the reason to be absent in that class, the results are:
  • 68, 75 % are sick
  • 65, 62 % are lazy
  • 56, 25 % are wake up late
  • 50 % has another important business outside classroom
  • 43, 75 % are boring
It means that beside sick, they also influenced by their interest and motivate. That is very agreeing with Anastasi and Urbina’s argument. They think that interest, motivate and attitude has big power to influence someone’s education and work.
Next, about the result of question that asked about what the lecture do if they absent to their class, and the result are:
  • 59, 37 % answered that the lectures ask them about their reason to be absent.
  • 40, 62 % answered that the lecture do nothing.
It means that, teacher’s attitude especially response to them is can be the reason to make them being absent again and again. Also, the material that seems like not appropriate with students level is make student feel uncomfortable to be in that class. If teacher teach the inappropriate material to the students developments, it can make students difficult to learn (Mulyono Abdurrahman: 2002: 84). For instance, teacher should pay attention to the student, not only who has academic problem but also has motivate problem.


After observed this study, we can conclude that there are many reasons which influence students frequency to be absent in certain class. There are, sick, lazy, wake up late, having another business outside classroom and boring. It means that not only physical condition that can be factor, but also psychological motivate.
Next, is really important for teacher to pay attention to the always-absent student and also change their learning method. Because if we improve students motivate and teacher attitude, the learning problem will be solved.

  • Read careful every single question
  • Answer with the true fact
  • Your name and identity will be protected

  1. How often you absent in certain class or subject from the first year until now?
  1. Never
  2. You have been do that
  3. Often
  4. Very often

  1. What class that you always been absent?

Note: Mention one or two certain classes

  1. Why you absent in that class/classes?

Note: choose the most five reasons

  1. Sick
  2. Has another important business outside classroom
  3. Boring
  4. You did not like the lecture for some reason
  5. The lecture is tend to be absent too
  6. You not yet do the homework/task
  7. You wake up late
  8. You did not like the subject/class
  9. You have been persuaded or attracted by your friend/s
  10. Lazy

  1. Do you have another reason/s that make you be absent in that class/classes?

Note: if you have, mention it.

  1. The concrete impact for you to been absent in that class/classes is?

  1. You lost the material in that meeting
  2. The lecture is being mad to you
  3. You lost the chance to submit your task or follow the exam
  4. Your mark is been decrease/error

  1. What do you feel when you present in next meeting after you have been absent recently?

  1. You are ok/fine
  2. You are worry
  3. You are afraid the lecture will mad to you
  4. You feels something lost

  1. Do you have the other feeling that you feel when you present in next meeting after you have been absent recently?

Note: if you have, mention it.

  1. What lecture do if you absent to their class?

  1. Nothing
  2. The lecture admonish you
  3. The lecture ask your reason to be absent
  4. The lecture mad to you
  5. The lecture decrease your score/mark
Note: choose two and you may add one or another.

  1. The benefit for you to be absent is?

  1. Feel free at the time
  2. You can do another thing that you tend to more like/more important to you
  3. You can save the money or use that for other things
  4. You have time to relax or take a rest

Note: choose one and you may add.
  1. What do you think about being absent in certain class?

  1. That is totally not good
  2. That is normally
  3. That is weird
  4. You have no idea about that

Abdurrahman, Mulyono. 2002. Pendidikan Bagi Anak Berkesulitan Belajar. Jakarta: Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan & Rineka Cipta
Anastasi, Anne, Susana Urbina. 1998. Tes Psikologi: Indonesian Edition. Jakarta: Prenhallindo & Pearson Education Asia
Kaufeldt, Martha. 2008. Wahai Para Guru, Ubahlah Cara Mengajarmu. Jakarta: Indeks
Nurkancana, Wayan. 1993. Pemahaman Individu. Surabaya: Usaha Nasional
Sujanto, Agus. 2006. Psikologi Umum. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara
Walgito, Bimo. 2004. Pengantar Psikologi Umum. Yogyakarta: ANDI

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