Monday, February 4, 2013

Tugas Bisnis

Olandho Resto 
NIM                : 321408062
CLASS           : VIB

A.    Background
Everyday all of people need a food. As we know that, there are many kinds of food in this world. And it is disseminated in every country. Especially in our country, there are many kinds of food. Every province has a special and traditional food. In Gorontalo also there are many traditional foods. For example: nasi balobinde, cassava, corn, sago palm and etc.
But for now, we have to seldom found it. So, I want to make one restaurant that can get ready all of the traditional food of Gorontalo itself. I see there is no restaurant that put up for sale it. And many people look the food.
I want to build this restaurant in Pohuwato, the place at around the office of government. I know that many government official that look the food. Because they seldom eaten it.
B.    Management
The owner of this restaurant is me Muzna Monoarfa. And will be help by my friend that is Ruli, Ani, Zihan, mus, mimi. Yayan and Mimi will be a chef, Ani is a cashier, zihan and rulli will be a waiter. 
C.    Risk Management
In make a business certain have a risk. The risk can happened at any time. In my business I have to make management of risk. Like: if one of my employee is sick, I will be change their job. And if all of them are sick, I will close my restaurant.
D.    Found Source
I build this business with the source from the bank. I lend about 100 billion. And it is will settle every month. 
E.    Budgeting
In this business I need about 100 billions. Bellow is details of my budgeting.

F.     Cash flow Projection
In my restaurant I will sell some product. There is:
Target of marketing
Ø Balobinde rice + kua santan ikan garam + sayur poki-pok              Rp. 15.000
Ø Balobinde fried rice special                                                               Rp. 12.000
Ø Binde biluhuta                                                                                    Rp. 10.000
Ø Jagung rebus and bakar + gohu Rp. 5.000
Ø Ilabulo Rp. 5.000
Ø Corn jus Rp. 6.000
Ø Coffee Rp. 5.000
Ø Tea Rp. 5.000
Cash Flow
My target of marketing every day I will sale balobinde 20 portion Rp. 300.000, baolbinde fried rice 15 portion Rp. 180.000, binde biluhuta 10 portion Rp.100.000, barbecue corn 10 portion Rp.50.000, ilabulo 10 Rp.50.000. so, every day my income Rp.700.000 and every month Rp. 21.000.000
My expending are for salary 5 employee Rp. 3.750.000, tax Rp.500.000, electricity Rp.250.000, materials Rp. 1.000.000 and rent in the bank Rp.  4.000.000. So every month my expending Rp. 11.000.000 and my profit about Rp. 10.000.000
G.   Marketing
This restaurant will be advertisement in radio, Gorontalo post; GOTV, banner and I will promotion to my friend by hand phone.


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